The Science Behind Effective Labels: How Color, Design, and Touch is Influencing Your Buying Habits

Labels are one of the most effective ways to evoke an emotional response from a consumer and create expectations for a product. By studying the psychological and physiological responses, many marketers are leveraging neuromarketing techniques to create more effective campaigns. One such technique is using color and design in product labels to create certain expectations for potential buyers.


The colors, designs, and materials used all communicate something about the product, whether it is quality, purpose, or value. These elements can powerfully shape buyer expectations. By understanding the psychological impact of your decisions, you can create labels that stand out from the competition and effectively communicate what sets your products apart.


If we look at the visual aspect of any packaging, it creates expectations of the contained product. The appearance always communicates something, it’s a matter of whether it engages with you or not. Neuromarketing is a quickly growing field of research that seeks to understand how consumers interact with marketing and advertising. By understanding how labels work and what impact they have on purchasing decisions you can effectively use them to influence customer buying behavior.



The choice of colors should be carefully considered in order to create the desired emotional response. As much as 85% of our choices are driven by the color of the product. Bright colors often signify fun or energy while muted tones may convey sophistication or elegance. Reds tend to communicate power, energy, and passion. Blues can evoke feelings of trustworthiness and peace.



Similarly, the design of the label should be considered when trying to create an emotional connection with customers and how it will reflect on the product. For example, a minimalist design may emphasize quality and simplicity while intricate patterns could indicate craftsmanship and attention to detail. Our preference is to simplify information and rely on experience to make decisions quickly. We are also drawn toward uniqueness and prestige. Either consciously or subconsciously, many decisions are driven by social emotions of desirability.


The materials used for labels also have an impact on customer perceptions. High-end materials such as metallic foils are often associated with luxury products while more affordable options like paper tags can convey convenience and value. The feel of your label also says a lot about your product. Soft, velvety materials are comforting and luxurious. Grainy textures can evoke natural, holistic emotions. Adding textures and embellishments are another way to incorporate touch, and touch helps create a sense of ownership.



So, what can your business do to take advantage of neuromarketing? Plenty. It’s important to understand how colors and design influence people’s perceptions so you can create labels that accurately reflect the quality and value of your products. Keep in mind the psychological responses you are trying to evoke, and use language on your labels that reinforces these emotional connections.